When I was young, I wished there was a way I could fly. I remember staring out of the bus, imagining Toothless and Hiccup were following beside me in the air. In fact, I wanted to fly with them so badly, that I think I manifesting reality shifting for myself. What are the odds that I discover the key to unlocking the impossible? All those days of scolding myself for wanting something that I couldn’t have, and it fell into my hands back in December 2020. I knew I had to shift realities.

what is reality shifting

What is Reality Shifting?

Popularized on TikTok back in the peak of the pandemic, reality shifting is a practice where you get to experience a different reality of your choice. It’s described as becoming aware of your existence in another reality, where everything feels as real as it does right now. Some people stay in this reality for a few days, others for months or years. Time passes differently, so you can spend months in your desired reality in one night’s sleep here.

When you research reality shifting, you might notice that two descriptions come up. Let’s clarify that really quick before we proceed.

Shifting to a Desired Reality (Travelling)

This is the trending version of reality shifting. You experience a totally a new world of your choice (hogwarts, MHA, MCU, etc.). You’ll definitely know when you’ve done it successfully.

Shifting Your Current Reality (Manifesting)

A form of manifestation – shifting to a reality where you achieve your desires. It’s not as obvious of a transition, because you likely won’t see the results instantly. I believe that most people refer to this as Quantum Jumping.

Reality Shifting Dictionary

Get to know all the abbreviations and odd words in the shifting community – they can be confusing! Click the word to unlock its secrets.

The reality that you want to experience. It can be literally anything you can imagine, and you can have more than one.

The reality that you know as your home base; Where you are as you’re reading this. Some people prefer calling it their Original Reality (OR).

A dimension believed to be in between your CR and DR. You have complete control over its appearance, same as your DR. Some people prefer to shift to a waiting room first before entering a portal to their actual DR.

You probably see a lot of people talking about their SO in their DR. It’s just an easy way to refer to their partner or lover. It’s usually their comfort character (CC), but it can be a totally made up person from your imagination.

A tool to make it easier to shift to your DR. It’s whatever you do to shift. There’s no one method that works for everyone, and no method is set in stone – you can alter it for your needs. Also, you might come across awake methods or asleep methods. The distinction isn’t really important, it’s just whether you fall asleep before shifting or not. Either way, any method can be done both awake and asleep. You seeing a trend here? Everything is up to you.

Minishifting is described as almost fully shifting, but not quite. Maybe you heard sounds from your DR, or maybe you spent a couple seconds there. Some shifters don’t like the term minishift, since any shifting attempt where you get that close is a successful shift.

A tool used to describe your DR for motivation, a sense of security, or for fun. You’ll find a lot of script templates and products, but scripting is totally optional. You can be as detailed or as vague as you’d like. You can write it down, describe it mentally, say it out loud… Again, there’s no right or wrong way. I usually write fun DR scenarios in my script for motivation, along with some extra details like an infinite closet or never having to shave. Anything can happen in your DR, so don’t hold back!

The Lifa App started out as a fictional app that you had on your DR phone for things like infinite money, clothes, access to your DR script, portals to other DRs, etc. Now, there actually is a Lifa App and you can use it for scripting.

Shifting symptoms sometimes happen while you’re shifting or doing a method. It’s really whatever odd sensations occur while you’re shifting. For me, I get tingles all over my body, then I feel like I’m zooming really fast. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t feel anything out of the ordinary – some people don’t get any symptoms at all.

A clone is you in your CR while your in your DR. There’s no need to worry; it’s not a zombie version of you. There’s an infinite amount of “you”s in the universe, and they all have a subconscious that makes them you. While your conscious mind explores another reality, your subconscious keeps your clone acting how you normally act. Most people shift at night anyway, so your clone will just sleep.

Many shifters struggle with getting past the symptoms of shifting to make the final push to their DR – to actually wake up in their DR and experience more than just symptoms. Many people have different methods for a successful final push. Some shifters don’t need a final push. It’s all about what? Say it with me: What works best for you. That’s right!

When I say visualization, I’m referring to using all your senses to vividly imagine your DR. Most people focus on just one – usually what you can see. Visualizing also means feeling the emotions of the moment too. I’d argue that’s the most important part. Many people with aphantasia (the inability to picture things in your mind) have shifted successfully by focusing on their other senses and emotions.

Shifters like to script a safe word for their DR – aka, a word that will send them back to their CR. No, you can’t get stuck in your DR. It’s literally impossible, because everything works according to your intention. If you intend to go back to your CR, you probably won’t even need to say your safe word. It’s just a backup to help you focus on returning to your CR.

An exercise to reset your mindset around shifting. Basically, you train your subconscious mind to think of shifting as an everyday activity and less of a monumental achievement. Making it a normal part of your life helps you relax and be open to it. Here’s an amino post talking more about it (amino is also known as the hub for reality shifting information, in case you were wondering!).

Okay, now let’s get to the fun stuff.

How to Shift Realities

1. Choose a Destination

Where do you want to go? A popular choice is to experience your favourite movie or TV show, but you can choose any place that you can imagine. It can be totally from your imagination, or identical to a book, movie, etc. It can even be from a cartoon – anime is a very popular destination. An anime DR can be cartoony or realistic; It’s all up to you.

With the place comes people – Who do you want in your DR? If you want to visit a movie, then you probably want the characters to be there too. The best part, if one of them is really annoying in the movie, then you can choose to erase them from your DR. This is your world, so you can replace, date, or befriend anyone.

Your DR can get pretty detailed, so that’s why most people write a script to keep their thoughts organized. But don’t worry about knowing every detail. Your subconscious mind knows what you want and will manifest it in your DR for you.

Fun little side note: I remember when shifting first emerged on TikTok, it was all about shifting to Hogwarts. So much so, that some people thought reality shifting was for Hogwarts alone. Turns out, they were very wrong.

2. Choose a Method

This is probably the most overwhelming part of shifting for beginners. When you search shifting methods, you’re bombarded with dozens of videos about all sorts of methods. I’m going to simplify things for you.

All methods have the same basic structure:

  1. Get into a relaxed state: This can be done by following breathing exercises, counting to 100, relaxing your body, etc.
  2. Focus on your DR: Use your 5 senses, answer DR-related questions, interact with your SO, set the intention to shift, etc.
  3. Let go: Go to sleep or open your eyes in your DR.

If you’re into manifesting, then you’ve probably noticed it’s the same steps to manifest with SATS by Neville Goddard. I strongly believe that one of the easiest and most consistent methods to shift is the SATS method (as I like to call it), so I’ll explain that here.

SATS Shifting Method

  1. Find a short action that implies you’ve shifted to your DR. It can be anything; hugging your SO, getting coffee with your friends, casting a spell… The main thing is it has to be something that you know you will experience in your DR. Really get into the details of the scene so it’s easier to visualize.
  2. Enter a state akin to sleep (SATS). This is when guided meditations on YouTube tell you to focus on your breath and relax your body. A state akin to sleep is a drowsy, meditative state; that state just before you fall completely asleep. It’s easy to visualize and control your thoughts (with some practice). Most shifters refer to this state as the void state, and there are lots of guided meditations specifically made to induce it (this one is my favourite!).
  3. Visualize, with all the details of reality, your chosen short action. Keep repeating it until it truly feels like you are experiencing it in that moment. Keep visualizing until you feel your surroundings change, or until you fall asleep. When you open your eyes, you’ll find yourself in a new reality!

Although the steps themselves are simple, it doesn’t mean it’s easy to get there. Shifting is notoriously frustrating, because it feels like you’re doing all the steps right, and it still doesn’t work. The only advice I can give you is to let go. Try to stay open to anything, and don’t worry about if you’ll ever make it – you will, just keep going. You only fail when you stop trying.

Need Motivation to Shift? I got you.

  • Script Out Your DR: Scripting scenes from your DR is a super fun way to feel connected to your loved ones in another reality.
  • Choose Where You Awaken: Figure out when and where you first wake up in your DR. It’s a great scene to visualize, so use all your five senses. The more familiar you are, the easier it is to shift there (for me anyway). I like to go to bed thinking about what I’ll be doing when I wake up (like a to-do list in my DR).
  • Listen to Music: I’ve had the most success with shifting after having a mini dance party with myself, listening to music that reminds me of my DR. It’s super fun, motivating, and helps you feel like you’re in your DR, dancing with your friends.

Some Helpful Tips

  • Don’t pay attention to how long it takes you to shift. It takes years for some people to shift for the first time (like yours truly!). It’s the same as manifesting: What you want is already on its way to you. We don’t know exactly when, but if you believe it will happen, then it will.
  • You’re in control of your actions. There are no higher forces stopping you from shifting. Your guides are definitely by your side helping you along, but it’s your intention that will get you to your DR.
  • At any point during or after your method, you can shift. Once you start your method, you’re on your way to your DR! If it doesn’t work the first time, keep practicing. The more times to visualize your DR, the more detailed it becomes, and the more real it is. There is no time wasted in “failures” – it’s all experience.
  • Try napping. If you fall asleep too quick or just roll over and sleep, try waking up early, doing something (quick work, clean up your room, etc.), then taking a nap somewhere other than your bed. I’ve been the most successful by far when I’ve napped on my couch. For some reason, no matter how excited I am to shift, once I get in bed my only priority is to get some sleep. Plus, naps are a simple way to enter the that mind awake, body asleep state (the state when people – like me – get intense shifting symptoms, and your thoughts manifest instantly).
  • Listen to subliminals before or during your method. Subliminals are audios with affirmations playing in the background of music or ambiance noises. Your conscious mind can’t hear the affirmations, but your subconscious can. It’s great if you struggle with negative thoughts and doubt when you say affirmations aloud.
  • Try other methods, or make your own. Experimenting can feel like a fresh start and helps you find what works best. Though I recommend sticking to one method longer than a couple attempts to give yourself a chance to practice with it. A shifting routine can also be included in your method; like having a hot shower or tea to help you wind down and quiet your mind.


There you have it: the not-so-secret way to experience all the wonderful places you’ve seen in movies. Feeling depressed after watching the latest Avatar movie? Shift to Pandora! Feeling like going for a midnight flight with Hawks in My Hero Academia? You can! Need some extra time to study for that test? Study with Peter Parker! I hope you’re getting my point. There are endless possibilities, so at least give it a try. I wish you the best of luck!


Reality Shifting is when you become aware of your existence in another reality, so you experience it. Your script (written or mental) defines which reality to become aware of when you decide to shift.

Quantum Jumping refers to shifting to a slightly different version of your CR, as a form of manifestation. From what I’ve seen on social media, most shifters think of Reality Shifting and Quantum Jumping as the same thing.

While you experience a different reality when Shifting, Lucid Dreaming is just becoming aware that you’re dreaming. Lucid Dreams are sometimes vivid, but not as vivid as your DR.

No, you can’t get stuck. That’s why people script a safe word. If you don’t have a safe word, just intending to return to your CR will do the trick. You are very familiar with your CR, so it’s easy to shift back.

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