You’ve probably heard about manifesting on social media; journaling, vision boards, all that stuff? While those are good ways to achieve your desire (I love me a good vision board), there are less mainstream ways too. SATS manifesting, in particular, is a simple method to manifest your desire. The best part, is you get to fall asleep in the process.
What is SATS?
In Neville Goddard’s teachings, a state akin to sleep (SATS) is “a drowsy state, but one in which you are able to control your thoughts; a state in which you are attentive without effort.” It’s a classic mind awake, body asleep state that is used for manifestation, spiritual travel (astral projection and reality shifting), or just deep meditation. Scientifically, it’s called hypnagogia.
Neville Goddard
He is a spiritual teacher who has countless books about manifestation, spiritual travel, and self-mastery. His teachings can be applied to all areas of life. Born in 1905, he published his books throughout the 40s and 50s, and they are making a comeback in the 21st century. Despite the biblical comparisons in his lessons, his messages are universal – you don’t have to be religious to understand and use his methods.

SATS Method – How to Manifest with SATS
1. Choose Your Objective
What do you want to manifest? Think about your goals and what really matters to you. Be specific: boil down your desire to its simplest form. You don’t want money, you want the safety and freedom of financial wealth. You don’t want to date that person, you want comfort and to feel loved. Big or small, you can choose to manifest anything that you can imagine (it’s wild!).
2. Find an Imaginary Action
Choose an imaginary action that implies the fulfillment of your desire. Something short, like shaking hands after being promoted. Focus on the emotions of the moment. You’re not just shaking hands, you’re feeling proud and excited to start your new position.
Don’t stress about choosing the perfect scene, we aren’t necessarily peeking into the future. We’re embodying the state where your desire is true. That doesn’t mean your action will play out exactly how you see it – in my experience, things always happen unexpectedly. The important part is your desire is fulfilled.
3. Enter a State Akin to Sleep
SATS manifesting wouldn’t be complete without a state akin to sleep. Find a spot with minimal distractions to start. You can sit or lay down, whatever is best for you. Sitting is good for me because I usually fall asleep too quickly when I’m lying down.
Next, close your eyes and look into the darkness behind your eyes, through your eyelids. Alternatively, you can look through a blank wall, ceiling, or object to help you stay focused when your mind starts to wander.
Use breathing techniques to relax and slow down. You can count each inhale or exhale until you reach 100 (in 1, out 2, in 3, out 4), or just be mindful of your breath. The main thing is to keep your attention away from your day by focusing on the breath, making you drowsy.
You’ll know you’ve reach a state akin to sleep when it takes minimal effort to control your thoughts. Remember, it’s “a drowsy state in which you are attentive without effort.” Can’t be more spot on than Neville himself. Don’t worry too much about knowing exactly when you’ve reached this state; as long as you’re in a meditative state, you can start to visualize your scene. As you become sleepier, you’ll inevitably pass through a SATS (it’s a natural transitional state in sleep called hypnagogia) – so just keep visualizing if you’re not sure.
4. Visualize Your Imaginary Action
Visualize your desired scene in the first person. Keep reliving the moment with as much detail as possible until it feels like you are truly there. Practice visualizing with all five senses and emotions. If you’re getting that promotion handshake, you probably hear others congratulating you. You might feel excited to start the new position, and proud of yourself for the accomplishment. You can feel the smile beaming on your face.
I’ll say it again: it’s vital you visualize the action in the first person. “The difference between feeling yourself in action, here and now, and visualizing yourself in action, as though you were on a motion picture screen, is the difference between success and failure.” There you have it! If you struggle with seeing through your eyes in your imagination, practice with easier things. For example, visualize yourself walking through your front door. You do it everyday, so it’s easier to picture in your mind. Practice makes perfect!
One last very important note: It’s crucial to believe that this isn’t just visualizing, it’s real. You’re using your imaginal senses to go to that place and perform that action. In the 4D, there is no definition of time – your life is presented as a whole, from birth to death. The 4D doesn’t dwell on when it happens, but that it does happen. Your senses in the 3D reality just can’t detect it yet. What I’m saying is, the experience in your imagination is very much real, your 3D body just has a hard time trusting something other than the five senses it uses to perceive reality.
5. Sit Back & Relax
Trust that your desire is yours. Don’t worry about the when or how – it’s all being figured out for you. Once you believe that your manifestation is your reality, your future shifts to meet it. Your 4D self does everything to align you with your desire.
Neville compares it to planting a seed. You can’t see the seed germinate, or the roots digging into the ground. You just trust that the seedling will sprout on its own time. You’re not exactly sure when, but you know it’s happening.
Notes + Tips
- Live Your Desire: During the day, keep your thoughts and feelings in line with your desire. If you want a promotion, don’t go complain about your current job to your friends – keep your mind aligned with the desired outcome (because you already have it).
- Seriously, Anything: You can manifest anything with this method – to ace that test, get a loving partner, or even shift realities.
- Leave Mistakes in the Past: Neville mentions that his method is the best way to alter your future. However, his many failed attempts would beg to differ – it’s important to keep your eyes forward, and let go of the past. Don’t dwell on how long it’s taking or if you didn’t reach a state akin to sleep.
- Baby Steps: If you’re doubting yourself, start off with simpler goals to practice and boost your confidence. I like to give myself symbols to look out for (something really random), and usually spot them within a day or two (but it’s different for everyone!).
- Ignore Timelines: Everyone is so different, with our own unique perspectives and hurdles. Don’t compare yourself to others, because they aren’t you. Everything that is meant for you is already yours, so don’t worry about when it will get here.
There you have it! Now you know how Neville manifested with a sats. By the way, manifesting isn’t something that only certain people can do. It’s a skill that you practice and you’re always getting better. You don’t need a spiritual background or psychic abilities – everyone can do it. In fact, you create your reality without even realizing it. Just by keeping your thoughts in check (keeping a positive outlook), you’ll find yourself exactly where you need to be. Trust the universe, baby!
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